Monday, May 16, 2011

Karate(english language)

Karate is a martial art that originated in Japan. Karate martial arts brought to Japan via Okinawa. The martial arts was first called the "Tote"which means like "China Hand". Left karate entry into Japan, Japanese nationalism at that time were high-high, so that Sensei Gichin Funakoshi changed the kanji Okinawa (Tote: Hand of China) in Japanese kanji a 'karate' (Empty Hand) to be more readily accepted by Japanese society. Karate consists of two kanji. The first is' Kara'dan means' empty '. And secondly,' te ', meaning'hand '. The two kanji together means "empty hand".

In Japan, an organization representing all of Japan is sport karate JKF. The organizations that embody the whole world is WKF Karate (formerly known as WUKO - World Union of Karatedo Organizations). There is also ITKF (International Traditional Karate Federation) which contain traditional karate. The function of JKF and WKF Karate is primarily to confirm that is "without any direct contact", in contrast to the flow of Kyokushin or Daidojuku that "direct contact".

Karate is divided into three basic exercises like the following:

    1. Kihon, which exercises the basic techniques of karate such as engineering punch, kick and parry.
    2. Words, namely flower exercise moves or karate.
    3. Kumite, or sparring match that is exercise.

In today's karate can also be divided into traditional flow and flow of sports. The flow of more traditional emphasis on martial arts and combat techniques while sporting flow more lean techniques for sporting events.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

TIPS SUKSES/Success Tips

Adsense Indonesia

Orang sukses adalah orang yang terus mencoba, meskipun telah mengalami banyak kegagalan. Ia memandang kehidupan sebagai peluang untuk mencapai kesuksesan. Yang dicoba ditemukan dari mereka adalah bagaimana dan mengapa mereka tergerak untuk menjadi teratas di bidang masing-masing. Berikut ada beberapa hal yang dilakukan mereka dalam meraih sukses:

1. Orang sukses mau mengambil risiko. Mereka berupaya untuk mencapai target, melakukan penghematan, membangun relasi dengan banyak orang, dan gesit mencoba sesuatu yang baru guna mengikuti perkembangan zaman. David C. McClelland, seorang guru besar yang mendalami perjalanan orang-orang sukses serta telah melakukan perjalanan ke banyak negara dan melatih pengusaha kecil, menyatakan cara menjadi pengusaha kecil sukses adalah dengan menjadi pengambil risiko moderat; yang mau terus mengambil risiko untuk meraih sukses.

2. Orang sukses percaya diri dan merasakan bahwa mereka berbuat sesuatu untuk dunia. Mereka memandang sebuah dunia yang besar dan ingin memainkan peranan penting di dalamnya. Mereka tetap bekerja sesuai keterampilan mereka, sambil tetap menyadari bahwa keterampilan inti memberi nilai kepada keterampilan lainnya. Mereka juga sadar, karya terbaik akan menghasilkan kompensasi bagi mereka.

3. Orang sukses menikmati apa yang sedang mereka lakukan. Mereka mampu melihat pekerjaan sebagai kesenangan; mereka memilih bekerja di mana mereka dapat unggul. Orang sukses menyukai tantangan; mereka menikmati pencapaian puncak permainan mereka, apakah di pekerjaan, lapangan tenis atau lapangan golf.

4. Orang sukses adalah pelajar seumur hidup. Mereka menyadari, pendidikan tak pernah berakhir tapi dimulai di setiap tingkatan kehidupan dan terus berlanjut hingga akhir kehidupan. Pendidikan tidak terbatas di ruang kelas; artinya mencoba ide baru, membaca buku, surat kabar, majalah, dan menggunakan Internet merupakan bentuk pendidikan pula. Karena itu, tetaplah mengalir sesuai perubahan ketertarikan dan kemampuan Anda, dan nikmati perubahan. Ini akan membantu Anda tumbuh dan merasakan lebih percaya diri.

5. Orang sukses berpandangan positif terhadap apa yang dapat mereka kerjakan, dan ini meluas pada hal-hal lain. Mereka percaya gelas itu setengah penuh dan bukan setengah kosong. Mereka menanamkan semangat pada diri sendiri dan dapat membayangkan diri bagaimana mereka berhasil menyelesaikan suatu tugas sulit atau mencapai penghargaan tertinggi. Orang sukses berbuat bagaikan pelatih bagi orang lain, dengan menyuguhkan pesan-pesan positif dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Mereka senang melihat orang lain membuat tonggak sejarah dalam kehidupan mereka.

6. Orang sukses punya banyak cara untuk memotivasi diri sendiri sehingga dapat terus berkarya lebih baik dari yang lain. Ada yang dengan cara melakukan beberapa pekerjaan setiap hari pada bidang berbeda. Seorang pria setengah baya memotivasi dirinya sendiri dengan mencoba mendapatkan lebih banyak uang daripada kakaknya. Seorang wanita berusia 29 tahun menjadi perawat top untuk menunjukkan kepada bekas gurunya bahwa dia memiliki keterampilan dan kecerdasan memadai untuk mencapai profesi itu.

7. Orang sukses menyelesaikan tugas tidak dengan setengah-setengah, dan mereka menggunakan cara kreatif dalam meraih sukses. Meski mungkin membutuhkan waktu lebih lama, mereka akhirnya melampaui garis finis. Mereka manfaatkan waktu dengan baik dalam mensinergikan kemampuan fisik dan mental untuk mencapai sukses.

Successful people are those who continue to try, although it has experienced many failures. He looked at life as an opportunity to achieve success. Who tried found from them is how and why they moved to become top in their respective fields. Here are some things that made them successful:

1. Successful people are willing to take risks. They strive to achieve the target, make savings, build relationships with people, and agile to try something new to keep up with the times. David C. McClelland, a professor who studied successful people travel and have traveled to many countries and train small businesses, stating how to become successful small entrepreneurs is to be moderate risk takers, who want to continue to take risks to achieve success.

2. Successful people are confident and feel that they are doing something for the world. They see a big world and want to play an important role in it. They still work according to their skills, while remaining aware that the core skills to give value to other skills. They are also aware, the best work will result in compensation for them.
3. Successful people enjoy what they are doing. They were able to see work as fun, they choose to work where they can excel. Successful people love a challenge: they enjoy the achievement of the peak of their game, whether at work, tennis courts or golf courses.
4. Successful people are lifelong learners. They realized that education never ends but it starts at every level of life and continue until the end of life. Education is not limited in the classroom, it means trying new ideas, reading books, newspapers, magazines, and use the Internet is a form of education. Therefore, it is still running according to changes in interest and abilities, and enjoy the change. This will help you grow and feel more confident.
5. Successful people are positive outlook on what they can do, and this extends to other things. They believe the glass is half full rather than half empty. They instill a spirit in themselves and to imagine themselves how they managed to accomplish a difficult task or reach the highest award. Successful people do like a coach for others, by presenting positive messages in everyday life. They were happy to see someone else make a milestone in their lives.
6. Successful people have a lot of ways to motivate yourself in order to continue to work better than others. There is a way to do some work each day on different areas. A middle-aged man motivate himself by trying to get more money than his sister. A 29-year-old woman to nurse the top to show the former teacher that he has adequate skills and intelligence to reach the profession.
7. Successful people do not get the job done with half measures, and they use creative ways to achieve success. Although it may take more time, they eventually go beyond the finish line. They use the time well in the synergy of physical and mental abilities to achieve success.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Adsense Indonesia

Perkembangan teknologi yang berjalan pada ponsel diprediksi bakal kian melesat dalam lima tahun mendatang. Di masa itu, perangkat genggam diyakini sudah mampu menciptakan hologram 3D yang menggambarkan lawan bicara Anda.Dengan hologram 3D di ponsel ini, maka pengguna dijanjikan bakal menikmati sensasi percakapan yang luar biasa. Tak lagi berinteraksi melalui audio, namun juga bisa menyaksikan tampilan hologram kekasih, kawan, orangtua, dan siapapun nan jauh di sana.
Adsense Indonesia

     IBM sendiri mengaku tengah berusaha mengembangkan konsep ponsel yang dapat menembakkan tampilan hologram. Bloom berharap, prototipe dari produk ini akan hadir beberapa tahun lagi.
Misi ini pun telah dicanangkan dalam proyek 'IBM Next Five in Five', yang merupakan daftar lima inovasi yang akan dituju raksasa TI tersebut dalam lima tahun mendatang.

The development of technology that runs on mobile phones predicted to be increasingly shot in the next fiveyears. In those days, a handheld device is believed to have been able to create 3D hologram depicting the 3D hologram Anda.Dengan speaker on this phone, so users were promised would enjoy the sensation ofgreat conversations. No longer interact through audio, but also get to watch the display hologram lovers,friends, parents, and anyone nan far away.
Adsense Indonesia

      IBM's own claim to the middle of trying to develop a concept cell phone that can shoot a holographic display. Bloom hopes, the prototype of this product will present a few more years.

This mission had been planned in the project 'IBM Next Five in Five', which is a list of five innovations that will target the IT giant is in the next five years.