Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Adsense Indonesia

Perkembangan teknologi yang berjalan pada ponsel diprediksi bakal kian melesat dalam lima tahun mendatang. Di masa itu, perangkat genggam diyakini sudah mampu menciptakan hologram 3D yang menggambarkan lawan bicara Anda.Dengan hologram 3D di ponsel ini, maka pengguna dijanjikan bakal menikmati sensasi percakapan yang luar biasa. Tak lagi berinteraksi melalui audio, namun juga bisa menyaksikan tampilan hologram kekasih, kawan, orangtua, dan siapapun nan jauh di sana.
Adsense Indonesia

     IBM sendiri mengaku tengah berusaha mengembangkan konsep ponsel yang dapat menembakkan tampilan hologram. Bloom berharap, prototipe dari produk ini akan hadir beberapa tahun lagi.
Misi ini pun telah dicanangkan dalam proyek 'IBM Next Five in Five', yang merupakan daftar lima inovasi yang akan dituju raksasa TI tersebut dalam lima tahun mendatang.

The development of technology that runs on mobile phones predicted to be increasingly shot in the next fiveyears. In those days, a handheld device is believed to have been able to create 3D hologram depicting the 3D hologram Anda.Dengan speaker on this phone, so users were promised would enjoy the sensation ofgreat conversations. No longer interact through audio, but also get to watch the display hologram lovers,friends, parents, and anyone nan far away.
Adsense Indonesia

      IBM's own claim to the middle of trying to develop a concept cell phone that can shoot a holographic display. Bloom hopes, the prototype of this product will present a few more years.

This mission had been planned in the project 'IBM Next Five in Five', which is a list of five innovations that will target the IT giant is in the next five years.

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